Netflix’s September lineup is packed with exciting releases, and “Penelope” is poised to be a standout hit. This eight-episode coming-of-age series was acquired by the streamer after receiving excellent reviews at Sundance in January 2023.

The story follows a 16-year-old girl who, feeling disconnected from modern society, ventures into the wilderness to forge a new life. While this is just the surface of the plot, there’s much more hidden within the wild landscapes where the story unfolds.

The show is likely to catapult its lead actress, Megan Stott, into the spotlight, leaving viewers eager to learn every detail about her. Here’s all you need to know about the rising star, who may already look familiar!

Megan Stott’s age and career beginnings

Megan Stott was born on May 24, 2003, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA, making her 21 years old in 2024. In an interview with Contents, she shared that her passion for acting began at a very young age—around 4 or 5—when she would bring books to her parents, have them read to her, and then turn the stories into plays.

Megan Stott. (Source: @

Megan Stott. (Source: @ itsmeganstott)

Throughout her childhood, Stott continued to nurture her love for performance. While taking vocal lessons, her coach noticed solid potential and encouraged her to explore formal acting. Eventually, this mentor took her to New York and Los Angeles, where she was introduced to agents who helped launch her career.

Despite her relatively short but impressive career with seven notable credits, Stott has expressed a strong desire to take on complex, meaningful roles that resonate with audiences. However, the young star remains open to diverse characters and experiences. She has also revealed looking up to industry icons such as Reese Witherspoon, Scarlett Johansson, Elisabeth Moss, Matt Damon, and Bradley Cooper as role models.

Megan Stott’s movies and TV shows

While Penelope is likely the character that will catapult Megan Stott to stardom, she has already appeared in several well-known films and TV shows. Her most prominent role to date was in the 2020 psychological drama “Little Fires Everywhere,” the Hulu series where she starred alongside Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington.

Reese Witherspoon and Megan Stott in “Little Fires Everywhere”. (Source: IMDb)

Reese Witherspoon and Megan Stott in “Little Fires Everywhere”. (Source: IMDb)

You might also recognize Stott from the Netflix comedy “Yes Day,” where she worked with Jennifer Garner, Edgar Ramírez, and Jenna Ortega. With these two standout titles on her résumé, she’s already built an impressive foundation.

Additionally, Stott solidified her growing status with an appearance on “Just Beyond,” the Disney+ anthology series based on R.L. Stine’s stories. Having worked across multiple platforms, it’s clear that the young performer has a bright future ahead of her.

Megan Stott’s parents

Megan Stott has consistently credited her parents for supporting her aspirations. While there isn’t much information available about her father, she frequently shares photos with her mother, Rhonda M. Stott, on various occasions—whether it’s Mother’s Day, birthday, or just ordinary days. In these posts, she expresses gratitude for her mother’s hard work in helping her achieve their dreams. It’s clear they share a strong bond!