The series “Maxton Hall,” based on the novel “Save Me” by Mona Kasten, premiered on Prime Video and it has already become the number one show on the platform. This teen drama follows an enemies-to-lovers plot set against the backdrop of a lavish boarding school.

Starring newcomer Harriet Herbig-Matten and actor Damian Hardung, the story centers around Ruby Bell, a humble student in the prestigious Maxton Hall private school, who discovers a shocking secret about James Beafourt, a popular, rich bad boy who will change her life.

As there are other books in the series, fans hope to continue the story with a second season. But, while we wait for a greenlight, you can also learn in which locations “Maxton Hall: The World Between Us” was filmed.

Where is ‘Maxton Hall’ set? What is the original language?

‘Maxton Hall’ is set in England, in a fictional private school. However, as you might notice, the series’ original language is German, as it is a German production. The book is also written in German, but set in England.

‘Maxton Hall’ series: All the locations in which it was filmed

“Maxton Hall – The World Between Us” was filmed in several locations in Germany and England. One of the most stunning locations is, precisely, the halls of Maxton Hall’s private school. In real life, all the scenes from the school were filmed in the Marienburg Castle in Germany, including the backdrop of the Leine River.

Another place that appears in the series is the city of Berlin. Some of the famous spots you can see in the story are the Brandenburg Gate and the remains of the Berlin Wall. Meanwhile, in England, the production took place in some iconic places such as Oxford and, of course, London.

‘Maxton Hall’ (IMDb)

‘Maxton Hall’ (IMDb)

Oxfordshire is known for its architecture, as well as the iconic buildings of the always impressive University of Oxford (which is also Ruby’s dream university). Meanwhile, some famous landmarks from London you can spot in the series are the Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace.

Directed by Martin Schreier, “Maxton Hall – The World Between Us” is set to become a worldwide phenomenon. Apart from Hardung and Herbig-Matten, the series also stars Sonja Weißer, Andrea Guo, Justus Riesner, Fedja van Huêt, Ben Felipe, Runa Greiner, Martin Neuhaus, Julia-Maria Köhler, Clelia Sarto, and Eidin Jalali.