“Worst Roomate Ever,” one of the scariest docuseries is back with its second season, featuring stories ten times more frightening than those of the first one. Its obscurity is proven by the show’s viewership, which catapulted it to the top spot on Netflix in the United States in less than 24 hours.

This second installment covers a range of crimes, from poisoning to arson, showcasing the worst of human malevolence. After just one episode, you might think twice before choosing a roommate without caution.

The show stands out by recreating its stories not only with interviews from those directly involved but also with animations—a choice that has sparked both acclaim and criticism.

‘Worst Roommate Ever’ is the most-watched title on Netflix US

Crime productions are among the most demanded content on streaming platforms, and “Worst Roommate Ever” is no exception. It has quickly risen to be the most-watched series in the United States on Netflix in just one day.

Without any effort, it has outshone “Bridgerton,” despite its ongoing popularity expected to continue through 2024. It has also surpassed “America’s Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders,” which held the top spot for several days.

As the title suggests, the series features both well-known and obscure cases of people who chose to share their homes with others, only to end up in misery or worse. Despite tackling sensitive situations, the producers remains incredibly respectful.

For fans of this kind of content, there’s good news: the third season has already been confirmed and is set to premiere on September 15. Stay tuned for more updates!