Since Steven Spielberg made waves with “Jaws” in 1975, sharks have become cinematic icons, maintaining their popularity over the decades. From the “Sharknado” film series to “47 Meters Down,” these creatures have remained prominent figures in the horror genre.

However, despite numerous attempts, both audiences and critics have long claimed that no picture has matched the masterpiece created by the director of “The Fabelmans.” Well, it looks like that perception changed just 24 hours ago.

“Sharks,” directed by the filmmaker behind “Hitman,” is Netflix’s entry in the shark movie genre. Quickly climbing to the top spot on the platform worldwide, it appears the streamer has hit its mark once again. The title has been lauded by both the public and critics, praised for reviving classic shark tropes. And once again, we’re left pondering the same question we did in 1975: How much of it is real?

Is ‘Under Paris’ based on real events?

In the film, it’s the summer of 2024, and Paris is hosting the World Triathlon Championships for the first time, taking place in the Seine. Suddenly, Sophia, a unique and brilliant scientist, discovers a very large shark swimming deep in the river and must do everything she can to prevent a disaster.

Although the production isn’t explicitly based on a true story, an almost identical incident to that depicted in it occurred in 2022 when a porbeagle shark, a species that typically inhabits colder waters, was found in the Seine River near Rouen.

And there are many other similar cases, since “Under Paris” aims to highlight the very common environmental contamination processes that force species to leave their native habitats. In the picture, Lilith, the protagonist shark, arrives in France’s most important river after pollution makes her home uninhabitable, echoing situations like the real-life case of a great white shark that ended up in the Hudson River in 1933.

So, while there isn’t a real-life scientist like Sophia who tried to stop a shark from causing a bloodbath in the Seine during a swimming competition, the movie draws inspiration from many real events.