We’re always in for a compelling sports drama, and Netflix recognizes that well. “Heels,” the beloved professional wrestling series that captivated Starz audiences in 2021, is now arriving on the #1 streaming platform, poised to become one of the most-watched titles of September.

Set in the small town of Duffy, Georgia, the show follows brothers Jack and Ace Spade as they clash both inside and outside the wrestling ring. Jack, the driving force behind the local promotion, the Duffy Wrestling League, takes on the role of the “heel” or villain, while Ace embodies the league’s heroic face.

As personal conflicts, family dynamics, and the pressures of keeping the wrestling business afloat intensify, the lines between their in-ring personas and real lives begin to blur. Season 2 ends with a major cliffhanger, leaving everyone asking: will there be a continuation?

All on the future of ‘Heels’ on Netflix

“Heels” builds an intricate storyline, episode by episode, culminating in a major cliffhanger at the end of the second season that leaves viewers eager for more. While it seemed likely that the show would continue, in a surprising turn of events, Starz canceled the series in September 2023, halting any further development.

Mike O’Malley and Kelli Berglund in “Heels”.

Mike O’Malley and Kelli Berglund in “Heels”.

According to The Wrap, despite decent viewership numbers, the title failed to capture a large enough audience to justify its continuation. However, it developed a passionate fanbase, many of whom have been vocal about their disappointment since its cancellation.

From that moment, fans have asked for another streaming platform to pick up the series. Now that Netflix has acquired the rights, their hopes have been reignited. While the acquisition hints at a potential continuation, it’s important not to get too carried away.

The entertainment company holds its products to high performance standards, and even trending in the top spots for several weeks might not be enough. As seen with the cancellation of “Dead Boy Detectives,” even a successful run may not guarantee survival if certain benchmarks aren’t met.

That said, the “Heels” cast remains optimistic about the possibility of continuing the story. Kelli Berglund, who plays Crystal Tyler, shared her excitement in an interview with TV Insider:

“I can truly say I speak for everyone when I say we would all be in. I saw a lot of the cast members the other night, and we all had said we would do whatever it takes. We would rearrange schedules, make this some way somehow because this was such a special show. We’re all really proud of it”.

She added, “There is just so much that has been left unsaid. I see all the tweets and Instagram comments saying, “It can not end this way.” I respond back that if it was up to me it wouldn’t end this way. Yes, we would love to come back and do Season 3, Season 4, and Season 5.”

So, while the fate of “Heels” remains uncertain, there’s still a glimmer of hope that Netflix could bring the Spade brothers’ story back to life. Only time will tell if the production gets the renewal fans and cast alike are hoping for.