Napoleon not only made its way to the big screen to become one of the historical gems of cinema in recent years but also established itself as one of Ridley Scott‘s most controversial works. The director undertook the project based on a script by David Scarpa (All the Money in the World).

Joaquin Phoenix brings the relentless Napoleon Bonaparte to life, while Vanessa Kirby embodies his beloved Josephine. The film offers an intimate perspective on the origins of the historical figure and his swift and relentless ascent to the throne, focusing on his captivating and tumultuous relationship with his wife.

As expected, the title managed to secure several nominations for the upcoming Oscars, which will take place on Sunday, March 10th. The production is competing in three categories: Best Achievement in Costume Design, Best Achievement in Production Design, and Best Achievement in Visual Effects.

How to watch Napoleon online

Napoleon has established itself as one of the most successful releases of 2023, and it will soon make its exclusive debut on Apple TV+. If everything goes as planned, the film will be available on March 1, 2024.

Joaquin Phoenix and Vanessa Kirby in Napoleon. (Source: IMDb)

Joaquin Phoenix and Vanessa Kirby in Napoleon. (Source: IMDb)

In case you are looking for other options, it can also be watched by renting or purchasing it through Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV, starting from January 9 of this year, according to various sources like Collider.

What is Napoleon about?

Napoleon not only follows the infamous leader’s story but also provides a more intimate view of his origins. It portrays the military and political career of Bonaparte, from his early days in the revolutionary era to the defeat of the empire with which he conquered Europe.

The Corsican strategist’s figure is showcased through his relationship with Josephine, his wife, and his only love. It is the first time that his story is told through the eyes of his love, adding even more drama and different perspectives to the narrative.

Why was Napoleon controversial?

Well, the release of Napoleon was quite controversial, and many historians have directly criticized the director. While the critics acclaimed the project itself and the performances of its main stars, not everyone shared the same opinion.

Negative reviews of the story began before its release on the big screen, as many questioned the accuracy of the events depicted in the film. Biographers and experts on Bonaparte’s France warned of various inaccuracies.

Joaquin Phoenix in Napoleon. (Source: IMDb)

Joaquin Phoenix in Napoleon. (Source: IMDb)

Ridley Scott was accused of lacking keys that help understand the context and repercussions. Historians’ objections focused on issues ranging from specific inaccuracies to others that “distort” the historical narrative.

Some of the accusations are related to various moments in the movie, such as when the French artillery is shown firing at the pyramids during his campaign in Egypt or Napoleon’s presence during the death of Marie Antoinette.

Georges Mourier, filmmaker and expert on the French emperor, was one of those who stated, “Bonaparte did not attend the execution of Marie Antoinette; he was at the Siege of Toulon”. He also pointed out other details that blur historical facts.

One of them is linked to the death of his wife, “It changes an important date. Josephine died on May 29, 1814, long before the Hundred Days. But in the movie, she dies when Napoleon has already landed in Golfe-Juan, on his return from Elba”, he commented.