The number of movies based on boxers and wrestlers in the ring is increasing. Just a few days ago, one of them became a trend again on the Starz catalog worldwide. That’s right, The Wrestler has positioned itself as the ninth most-watched movie.

The classic drama debuted on the big screen in 2008 and has since become an indispensable title in Mickey Rourke‘s acting career and Marisa Tomei‘s established filmography. The story even managed to receive two Oscar nominations.

Darren Aronofsky (Mother! and Requiem for a Dream) directed the film, and Robert Siegel (Pam & Tommy) wrote the screenplay. The narrative follows a professional wrestler who has to retire, but his attempts to forge a life outside the ring leave him wanting more.

The Wrestler is the ninth most watched movie on Starz

The Wrestler has become a trend again, and this week it has earned a spot within the top 10 on Starz worldwide, according to Flix Patrol. The specialized site confirmed that it is currently ranked at number 9, surpassing the horror thriller “The Meg” with Jason Statham and Ruby Rose.

Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler. (Source: IMDb)

Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler. (Source: IMDb)

It was to be expected that the sports drama would once again become one of the most-watched movies on the streaming platform, as several classics have experienced a resurgence in the catalog, as was also the case with 2017’s Geostorm, 2009’s The Devil’s Tomb and 2016’s The Promise.

The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival in September 2008 and has since been regarded as a dramatic classic, especially among those set in the world of wrestling. Its success was so significant that Mickey Rourke earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor for his performance.

With a budget of only 6 million, it managed to gross 44.7 million worldwide. This success was thanks to the viewers who embraced the story with open arms. However, they weren’t the only ones, as critics also offered personalized praise, especially for the realistic portrayal of the world of professional wrestling.

In addition to Rourke, the cast was filled with top-notch stars known for their superlative acting talent. Among the most notable are Marisa Tomei, who brought Cassidy to life, Mark Margolis, who portrayed Lenny and Evan Rachel Wood, who played Stephanie. Wass Stevens and Todd Barry also made appearances in supporting roles.

What is The Wrestler about?

The Wrestler follows the life of Randy “The Ram” Robinson, an aging professional wrestler who used to be a star in the 1980s. Now, grappling with physical decline and the consequences of his lifestyle, Randy makes a living by performing in independent events and working part-time in a grocery store.

Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei in The Wrestler. (Source: IMDb)

Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei in The Wrestler. (Source: IMDb)

The film focuses on Randy’s personal challenges as he tries to reconcile with his distant daughter, Stephanie, and build a new relationship with a stripper named Cassidy. As he attempts to return to the world of professional wrestling, Randy faces the risks associated with his health and the loneliness he experiences outside the ring.

The narrative itself addresses themes such as personal sacrifice, redemption, and the search for identity in the context of the world of sports entertainment. It has become a classic known for its raw and poignant approach to the characters and their personal and professional struggles.

What impact has The Wrestler had on the wrestling world?

The Darren Aronofsky-directed drama has had a significant impact on the world of professional wrestling by providing a realistic and poignant portrayal of the industry. Despite being a work of fiction, the film addresses many of the challenges and dilemmas faced by real-life wrestlers.

The authentic depiction of life behind the scenes, the physical and emotional challenges, as well as the economic hardships faced by wrestlers in the movie, has been praised for its authenticity. The Wrestler has contributed to raising awareness about the sacrifices and struggles that professional wrestlers face outside the ring.

The Wrestler was critically acclaimed

Roger Ebert published on his official site in December 2008 that The Wrestler was one of the best movies of the year. “It wasn’t on my list of ‘best movies’ for complicated and boring reasons”, he wrote after giving it four stars. He also delved into his thoughts on the sport and its connection to the film, saying:

“Professional wrestling is fake, right? Yes, but as an activity, it’s quite real. I watch it on TV with fascination. It’s scripted that the villain stealthily approaches the hero, who pretends not to see him, and pushes him over the ropes and out of the ring. Fake. But when the hero falls to the floor, how fake is that? ‘Those guys learn how to fall,’ people tell me. Do you want to sign up for lessons?”, wrote Ebert.

Peter Bradshaw was another one who praised the production, the performances, and the film itself. Fifteen years ago, he gave it four out of five stars in The Guardian and stated that it is a “sincere drama that alchemizes an excellent central performance“.

Furthermore, the writer expressed, “I was waiting for an escape ending, but it never came. Quite magnificently, Aronofsky finally gives Schmaltz a forearm smash and crushes sentimentality with a strong chokeslam, so to speak. After a shaky period, this director has rediscovered his grip”.