“Terminator Zero” is the new anime series that emerges as a fresh adaptation of the legendary franchise, where the traditional story is combined with a new style and narrative characteristic of the genre.
The plot, created by Mattson Tomlin (Little Fish), aims to explore other stories where machines and humanity are in constant war. The first season consists of eight episodes filled with action and adventure.
Yûya Uchida, Hiro Shimono and Shizuka Ishigami are just some of the actors who have lent their voices to the main characters. Since it’s still too early, it hasn’t been confirmed whether or not there will be a second season on Netflix.
Terminator Zero Season 1 Soundtrack | All the songs
- Terminator Zero
- Misaki Toy Store
- It Will Never Be The Same
- Cortex
- Kokoro
- The Future
- Emergence
- Hiro’s Theme
- The Chase, Pt. I
- Traveling in Time
- Choose
- Don’t Look Back
- Memories Together
- Eiko and Misaki
- Tunnels
- Police Station
- Kokoro and Malcolm
- Reika’s Choice
- The Chase, Pt. II
- End of the World
- Nuclear Warfare
- 1nno Army Attacks
- Kenta’s Theme
- Disguise
- Sand and Ocean
- Reunited
- Misaki Comes Alive
- Gone
- Underground
Who composed the score for Terminator Zero?
The soundtrack for the first season of Terminator Zero was composed by Michelle Birsky and Kevin Olken Henthorn. They worked together to capture the essence of the well-known universe while bringing a modern approach to the music.
The pieces they created are not only intense but also feature emotive melodies, reflecting the diverse range of emotions and scenes in the story. All tracks are now available for listening on platforms such as Spotify and iTunes.
The album had its digital debut on August 30 of this year, one day after the eight episodes were released on Netflix. As expected, it was a success, since this isn’t the first time the artists have worked together.
Both are part of the indie band Birsky, where Michelle is the vocalist and Kevin the guitarist. Their previous collaboration in the music scene allowed them to develop a creative synergy, according to Ready Steady Cut.