Robert Pattinson has several projects under his sleeve, however, one of the most anticipated is the upcoming ‘The Batman’ sequel. Fans of the original movie, which was released in 2022, have been patiently waiting for news on production regarding the second film, which is set to be released in 2026.

Pattinson’s version of the Caped Crusader was directed by Matt Reeves, who also co-wrote the script with Peter Craig. The director’s vision proved to be one of the most interesting takes on the character, as he presented Batman in a more young, heartbroken, “emo” version (according to the Internet).

And, after receiving rave reviews and grossing over $772 million worldwide, it wasn’t exactly surprising that Warner Bros. gave the greenlight to a continuation, especially as they are also expanding the Reeves-Universe with a spin-off series focusing on The Penguin, played by Colin Farrell. But the sequel is still the main course, so here’s what Andy Serkis (who plays Alfred) revealed about the production.

Andy Serkis says that filming for The Batman will likely start in early 2025

Speaking to a crowd at ACE Superhero Comic Con 2024, Serkis gave an update on the film. While he admitted that he “basically” knows “nothing about the movie,” he revealed that he found out that they are “probably likely to be starting filming early next year.”

The reason for the production delay, apparently, is that Reeves hasn’t finished working on the script. Reeves is penning the project alongside Mattson Tomlin, who also worked on the first movie (although he wasn’t credited). Writing was delayed, according to ScreenRant, due to the 2023 WGA strike, which lasted 148 days.

Jeffre Wright and Robert Pattinson in ‘The Batman’ (Warner Bros.)

Jeffre Wright and Robert Pattinson in ‘The Batman’ (Warner Bros.)

“I know that Matt [Reeves] is working really hard on the script,” Serkis said, before adding: “Matt Reeves being Matt Reeves, the extraordinary filmmaker that he is, I can only assume that it’s going to be another brilliant script, because I thought what he did with that first film was pretty amazing.”

Serkins said that he “loved working with Rob Pattinson, and I really look forward to playing Alfred once more.” Apart from Pattinson, Serkis, and Farrell, Zoë Kravitz, who is set to release her directorial debut soon, will also return as Catwoman. Additionally, Jeffrey Wright, who played Gordon, will be back.

The Batman – Part II is scheduled to hit theaters October 2, 2026.