Steven Spielberg has explored nearly every genre, from biography to musical. However, there’s one kind of movie making he hasn’t delved into for a long time: horror. Specifically, he hasn’t directed a title of this type since the 2000 release of the deleted scenes from “Jaws.”

A few months ago, it was announced that Spielberg’s upcoming project would be a sci-fi involving aliens and UFOs, reminiscent of “E.T.” Now, he has revealed the release date for the picture: May 15, 2026.

While no details about the plot have been disclosed, fans of the “West Side Story” director are already speculating on a future horror flick. Check out all the details here.

What is ‘Night Skies’?

In the late 1970s, when Columbia Pictures asked for a sequel to “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” Spielberg conceived the idea for “Night Skies.” The story was inspired by the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter, where a Kentucky family reported being terrorized by gremlin-like aliens.

The story centered on eleven malevolent extraterrestrial scientists trying to communicate with chickens, cows, and other beings to identify sentient species on Earth. Then, they would turn aggressive against a human family, dissecting their farm animals in the process.

Spielberg reserved cargo space on the 1980 inaugural Space Shuttle flight to film the Earth and its Moon from orbit for the film’s opening sequence. Additionally, he had Rick Baker create a working prototype of the lead alien, costing $70,000. So, what happened?

Why was ‘Night Skies’ cancelled?

Steven Spielberg’s “Night Skies” was canceled in February 1981 when Columbia Pictures put the project in turnaround. In reality, Spielberg decided to close the door on “Night Skies” to focus intensely on what he knew would become a landmark film in his career: “E.T.”

Steven Spielberg with the prototype of the lead alien for “Night Skies”. (Source: Rick Baker)

Steven Spielberg with the prototype of the lead alien for “Night Skies”. (Source: Rick Baker)

Spielberg explained that due to the nature of his projects at the time, he needed to work on more gentle characters. He remarked, “I might have taken leave of my senses. Throughout Raiders, I was in between killing Nazis and blowing up flying wings and having Harrison Ford in all this high serialized adventure, I was sitting there in the middle of Tunisia, scratching my head and saying, ‘I need to get back to tranquility.’”

Despite canceling “Night Skies,” the project never left Spielberg’s heart. Its influence is evident in “Poltergeist,” a horror film largely shaped by the filmmaker, even though he wasn’t officially credited for his work. Additionally, he considered a darker version of the “E.T.” story titled “E.T. II: Nocturnal Fears.” So, is there any doubt that “Night Skies” had a significant impact on him?

Why will ‘Night Skies’ be the next sci-fi horror film of Spielberg?

Firstly, it’s well-known that Spielberg is a director who takes his time with his films to ensure they achieve the highest quality. He always seeks the perfect moment to create and premiere them. A prime example is his movie “Lincoln,” which he conceived in the 90s and finally released in 2012.

Secondly, as mentioned earlier, it’s about time. Even if we consider “Jaws” a horror film, the truth is that Spielberg hasn’t fully ventured into raw, spine-chilling filmmaking as a director. And it is a must.

He adores challenges. So, if he’s done everything except horror, and he now has the opportunity to tackle it with a project he once loved but couldn’t finish, it’s clear that he has his sights set on this new goal.