The Jonestown massacre is a well-known tragedy, regarded as one of the most horrifying events in history. Each film and show that revisits this catastrophe deepens its impact, and Hulu‘s new docuseries is no exception.

This three-part project features interviews with Jonestown survivors, journalists who covered the calamity, and Jim Jones’ son, Stephan, who once lived in Jonestown.

One of the most heart-wrenching stories is that of Jackie Speier, who recounts every moment of her time at the remote settlement in Guyana.

Jackie Speier speaks about her experience at Jonestown

Jackie Speier was in Jonestown as part of a delegation led by U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan, serving as his legal adviser at the time. The group visited in November 1978 to investigate allegations of human rights abuses and people being held against their will by Jim Jones at the People’s Temple settlement. 

During the visit, some residents wanted to leave with the delegation, raising tensions. As they prepared to leave Jonestown, they were ambushed by armed members of the People’s Temple.

Speier hid behind the wheels of the plane that they were about to board and pretended to be dead. Congressman Ryan and several others were killed, and Speier was critically wounded, shot five times at close range but survived. 

In the docu-series, she recounts these events and shares her initial premonition of danger, feeling their team shouldn’t have gone even before witnessing Jonestown firsthand.

After recovering from her injuries, Speier remained dedicated to public service. Her experience in Jonestown had a profound impact on her, strengthening her vocation. She was elected to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors in 1980, where she served for a decade.