Amazon Prime Video‘s superhero animated series “Invincible” has returned for the second part of its second season. The series, based on a comic book by Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker and Ryan Ottley, has been well received by critics and audiences alike.

The story follows 17-year-old Mark Grayson, whose father Omni-Man was once the most powerful superhero on Earth. As Mark discovers his own superpowers, he realizes that his father’s legacy may not be as heroic as it appears.

With Season 2 already coming to an end, with the finale set to premiere on Thursday, April 4th, many fans are wondering about Season 3. Here’s what we know about the upcoming installment.

Invincible Season 3: What do we know?

Showrunner Russ Milheim and producer Simon Racioppa told The Direct that, as Season 3 is already confirmed, they are already working in the production, meaning that fans won’t have to wait the same two-and-a-half years.

“Amazon picked two and three together. So, we are deep in Season 3 at this point. So I can’t tell you exactly [when], but I can tell you it will not be the same wait between [seasons] 1 and 2… We’re well in progress on Season 3, and it’s coming along great,” said Racciopa.

On the other hand, Milheim revealed that the story of Season 3 will be dealing “with all the ramifications” of what happens in Season 2. So that’s really fun because we have these new challenges for our characters in Season 3… So it’s like, how do we keep all the previous seasons still relevant and in our minds, and in our character’s minds when we go forward? So that’s super fun and exciting,” he said.

He also told the outlet that the most important thing was to let the “characters to keep on evolving, we want our world to keep on evolving, we want things to change, but still feel real.” However, the idea is still “to make it a big, exciting superhero show.”