Back in 2015, “Inside Out” prompted us all to reflect on the primary emotions that guide us through life. Joy, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust demonstrated their equal necessity in leading a healthy existence.

But what happens during complex times of human growth, such as adolescence? It becomes even more intricate. In “Inside Out 2,” the original group of feelings must make room for newcomers: Anxiety, ennui, embarrassment, and envy.

Choosing just four emotions that we begin to feel as we grow up was certainly not an easy task. Director Kelsey Mann discussed which were left out of the second installment in a recent interview with Fotogramas.

All the emotions cut from ‘Inside Out 2’

According to Kelsey Mann, selecting new emotions for “Inside Out 2” was incredibly complex because adolescence is a time when you feel everything at once. Eventually, he had to make decisions about which to exclude.

He compiled a list of nine primary emotions, and sadly, guilt, frustration, surprise, and remorse were the ones left in the drawer. Of course, they may not stay there long if Pixar decides to make a third movie, though the director hasn’t confirmed this.

Mann also mentioned other emotions that didn’t make the top ten but were considered by the movie’s team: Hope, pride, schadenfreude (finding pleasure in others’ misfortune), greed, and irritation.

It seems Riley will navigate through a diverse array of feelings as she continues to matures. Nonetheless, we always hope to see the return of the original five main emotions, as we’ve grown quite fond of them over time.