Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh are not only ready to work together for the first time, but they will collaborate on one of the most anticipated romantic comedies of the year: We Live in Time, which will be directed by John Crowley.

The story, based on a screenplay by Nick Payne, follows the characters played by the stars: Almut and Tobias. The director himself described it as “the portrait of a marriage and what it means to create a family”.

The movie not only features the executive production of Benedict Cumberbatch for his company SunnyMarch, but A24 will be the production company handling distribution in the United States, possibly adding it to their list of successes.

When will ‘We Live in Time’ be released?

We Live in Time will premiere in the Fall of 2024. Despite being originally scheduled for release on January 16, 2025, the date has been moved up, as mentioned by John Crowley on the UCC Talking Pictures podcast.

There, he also revealed a bit of what we can expect from the rom-com, stating, “With thrilling performances from both of them (Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh), it’s the portrait of a marriage and what it means to create a family.”

The story revolves around Almut, a witty and unstoppable boss, and Tobias, a newly divorced man, whose unexpected encounter changes their lives. After falling in love with each other, building a home, and becoming a family, a difficult truth is revealed.

The stars confirmed that they were going to carry out the project together during the 2023 Oscars ceremony, where they presented one of the categories and showed their excellent chemistry and connection on stage.