Since the psychological drama “Dark” premiered on Netflix in 2017, German productions have surged in popularity across streaming platforms. Now, Apple TV+ is launching its first German-language series, which even mirrors some themes of the iconic show.

In “Where’s Wanda?,” Dedo and Carlotta Klatt search for their missing daughter months after her disappearance. Frustrated with the police’s lack of progress, they take the case into their own hands and delve into their neighbors’ lives, uncovering dark secrets.

Naturally, with any kidnapping-themed stories on screen, viewers are curious about potential real-life inspirations. Discover more about the influences behind the title.

‘Where’s Wanda?’: Fact or fiction?

While there have been few interviews with the cast and crew about the specific inspiration for “Where’s Wanda?,” the absence of any information of that kind during the series’ initial announcement suggests there may be no direct connection to a particular disappearance.

Moreover, considering that the show is a dark comedy, it seems unlikely that the creators would risk adopting a humorous tone regarding a real case, which could have led to significant controversy.

However, the themes presented in the plot resonate with anyone who follows the news. Around the world, authorities often take an alarming amount of time to mobilize resources for searching for missing persons, frequently lacking the means to act quickly before it’s too late for the victim and their family.

Given the comedic tone reflected in the trailer and synopsis, it appears that “Where’s Wanda? addresses the issue of police inaction in a lighthearted manner, suggesting that, in the fictional story, the failure to perform their duties does not result in the tragic outcomes seen in many real-life cases globally.