Participating in a singing competition like The Voice seems very glamorous from the outside. While the show offers accommodations, as well as financial support to all The Voice contestants, many fans also wonder how the singers get their amazing looks for the stage. Do they have a stylist?

And, the answer is yes. While the contestants are on their own when it comes to their looks for their auditions, as soon as they enter one of the teams, they will be counting on a dedicated team of professionals to help them with their outfits, hair and makeup.

According to NBC Insider, the people that help artists and coaches with their looks are: Darcy Gilmore, the Makeup Department Head/Talent Grooming; Erin Hirsh, a costume designer; and Jerilynn Stephens, the Hair Department Head.

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As we said, during the auditions, contestants are asked to come to the show “camera-ready.” However, as Stephens explains to NBC Insider, the team “polish them up for interviews and stage. We want them to be themselves for their first appearance on the show,” she said.

Then, the costume team and the hair and makeup team will help contestants throughout the season. According to what Hirsh told NBC Insider, they listen to what the contestants want and what the production team suggests to create the perfect outfit.

She says that she mostly does “online [sourcing] now. Then, of course, there are costume houses and rental places. But online, it’s fair game to bring in what we feel like is the most suitable.”

What about makeup and hair?

Stephens takes into consideration contestants’ next song and wardrobe to create the look for the hair and makeup. However, she also tries to save time by asking women to curl or flatten their hair depending on the style.

The only moment in which contestants had to make their own makeup and hair, was during the COVID pandemic. However, the team provided instructions on how to do it over Zoom, and even got some lessons if needed.