Saturday Night” is one of the first film adaptations set to hit the big screen in October this year, directed by the talented Jason Reitman. It focuses on the chaotic moments leading up to the first broadcast of Saturday Night Live.

The movie takes place on October 11, 1975, and follows a group of young comedians who changed television forever. It tells the behind-the-scenes story leading up to the first broadcast of the television series.

The comedy drama unfolds in real time, covering the 90 minutes leading up to the show’s start, showcasing both the humor and the pressure faced by those involved. The cast includes Dylan O’Brien, Ella Hunt and J.K. Simmons.

Saturday Night Soundtrack | Complete Score

  • Lorne on 50th Street (2:03)
  • SNL Variations, Carson Call, Variation 8 (0:44)
  • Welcome to 8H (3:31)
  • SNL Variations, Toscanini Died, Variation 1 (Speakers Went Out) (0:28)
  • SNL Variations, In Walked Carlin, Variation 2 (2:36)
  • SNL Variations, Go Live!, Variation 3 (1:10)
  • 17th Floor Piano (Happy Joe) (3:20)
  • Lorne and Rosie Theme (1:35)
  • SNL Variations, Couch Fire, Variation 4 (0:56)
  • SNL Variations, No Habla Muppet, Variation 5 (1:02)
  • SNL Variations, Laying Bricks, Variation 6 (0:48)
  • Builders Theme, Clean Shirt Full House, Variation 1 (1:55)
  • Real Bricks (1:59)
  • Chevy Lands Update (0:35)
  • Saturday Night Live (2:35)
  • SNL Variations, Billy and Valri, Variation 7 (0:35)
  • Looking for Belushi (1:15)
  • Lorne and Rosie Theme Reprise (1:14)
  • Waiting for Andy (1:32)
  • Builders Theme, Screen Test, Variation 2 (1:18)
  • The Wolverines (1:08)
  • Family Photo (0:40)

Who composed the score for Saturday Night?

Jon Batiste is an American musician, composer and producer, known for his versatile style that spans genres such as jazz, R&B and soul. He has been tasked with developing the score for “Saturday Night”.

His involvement in the film promises to include a mix of original compositions that reflect his unique style and ability to connect with the audience. Additionally, the star portrays Billy Preston in the story.

Undoubtedly, he has demonstrated his versatility as an artist. His commitment to the project and his creative approach will contribute to making the dramedy a memorable experience in terms of both narrative and music.