Young Woman and the Sea is not only a story about personal overcoming, unfounded stereotypes and a life of challenges, but also portrays a glimpse of what the career of the swimmer Trudy Ederle has been like.

Joachim Rønning is the one in charge of directing the film, based on a script written by Jeff Nathanson and the writer Glenn Stout. The biographical drama stars Daisy Ridley as the protagonist.

Before the Star Wars star joined the project, Lily James had been considered for the role, but in 2020, it transitioned from being a Paramount movie to one by Walt Disney Pictures, thus having a new actress in charge.

Is ‘Young Woman and the Sea’ based on a true story?

“Young Woman And The Sea” is a biopic, which means it’s based on real events, and in this case, on the inspiring saga of Trudy Ederle, who marked a before and after in the world of swimming, especially for women.

The story is based on the book “Young Woman and the Sea: How Trudy Ederle Conquered the English Channel and Inspired the World”, written by Glenn Stout, which narrates the life and career of the swimmer.

Who was Gertrude Ederle?

Gertrude Ederle was an American swimmer born in 1905, who became a legendary figure in the world of swimming in the 1920s, for being the first woman to swim across the English Channel, breaking the record set by a man.

This feat catapulted her to international fame and made her a symbol of the fight for gender equality in sports. Her courage and determination inspired many women to pursue their athletic dreams.

She was received with a grand celebration in New York, where crowds of people acclaimed her for her bravery and determination. Her success also had a significant impact on gender stereotypes of that time.

Despite facing some challenges in the following years, including hearing problems due to her feat, she remained a prominent figure in the world of swimming and continued to inspire others with her pioneering spirit.

She passed away on November 30, 2003, leaving behind a lasting legacy as one of the most outstanding swimmers of all time and an icon of personal achievement and gender equality in sports.