John Ashton, beloved for his portrayal of the iconic John Taggart in the “Beverly Hills Cop” universe, has passed away at 76, as confirmed by his manager, Alan Somers, to Variety.
His death comes as a shock, especially after his recent appearance in “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F,” which became Netflix‘s most-watched movie shortly after its release on July 3. Fans of the franchise will surely miss him.
In addition to his legacy in the buddy cop genre, Ashton had over ninety credits and two upcoming projects, these being the western drama “Hot Bath, Stiff Drink, an’ a Close Shave” and its sequel.
John Ashton dies, leaving behind a brilliant legacy
John Ashton’s rep reported that the beloved actor passed away on Thursday, September 26, at his home in Fort Collins, Colorado, after a complex battle with cancer. The shocking news emerged a few days later. He is survived by two children, each from his marriages to Victoria Marie Runn and Bridget Baker-Ashton.
Somers shared with TMZ, “John leaves behind a legacy of love, dedication, and service. His memory will forever be treasured by his wife, children, grandchildren, as well as his brother, sisters, his extended family and all who loved him. John’s impact on the world will be remembered and celebrated for generations to come.”
In a heartfelt decision, the family has requested that any donations in John’s memory be made to Pathways Hospice Care. This gesture honors the trajectory of one of the most respected figures in action comedy, who set a standard for the archetype of co-stars in buddy films.
Ashton was also celebrated for his performances in other notable roles, such as Marvin Dorfler in the 1988 picture “Midnight Run” and Cliff Nelson in the 1987 teen drama “Some Kind of Wonderful”. Beyond film, he received acclaim for his work in theater, earning praise and awards for performances in “True West,” “A Flea in Her Ear,” and “The Last Meeting of the Knights of the White Magnolia”.