The Amazing Digital Circus” is a surreal animated series created by Gooseworx that premiered on YouTube in October 2023 and is now available on Netflix, becoming one of the most viewed new productions globally.

The story follows a woman named Pomni, who gets trapped in a chaotic virtual world alongside five other humans—Jax, Ragatha, Gangle, Kinger and Zooble. They are subjected to the whims of a wild AI and their own personal traumas.

The episodes draw inspiration from the unsettling short story by Harlan Ellison, “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream“, and evoke nostalgic elements from the creator’s childhood, such as early computer graphics​.

Will The Amazing Digital Circus have a second season?

So far, there is no official confirmation regarding a second season of The Amazing Digital Circus on Netflix. However, now that it has arrived on the service, it could have a bright future ahead, though it remains uncertain.

The series, created by Gooseworx, recently launched its first three episodes simultaneously on the streaming giant and YouTube, seeking to assess viewer interest and engagement on the platform.

The independent nature of the production may cause its pacing to differ from typical studio productions, leaving fans eagerly awaiting new episodes. Its fourth installment is estimated to arrive in March 2025.

The comedic TV show has garnered significant attention, accumulating over 500 million views on YouTube. While it’s unclear how many more episodes will be released, there are indications that additional content is in development.

The creator has suggested that there may not be a traditional second season, as the storytelling will conclude on its own terms, combining dark themes with whimsical animation, making it a unique addition.