The Apprentice” is the upcoming major movie directed by Ali Abbasi (The Last of Us and Shelley) that not only arrives on screen with high expectations but also tells the story of how Donald Trump started his business.

The production has sparked multiple controversies in recent days, especially after the former President of the United States’ lawyers sent a cease and desist letter in an attempt to block the release.

The dramatic biopic will feature multiple major stars, including Sebastian Stan, who will portray the tycoon behind Trump Tower. Alongside him will be Maria Bakalova as Ivana and Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn.

When will ‘The Apprentice’ hit theaters?

The Apprentice” had its grand premiere at the iconic Cannes Film Festival, which took place in May 2024. However, the exact release date for cinemas has not yet been defined, although it is expected to be within the year.

Sebastian Stan and Maria Bakalova in The Apprentice. (Source: IMDb)

Sebastian Stan and Maria Bakalova in The Apprentice. (Source: IMDb)

The biographical film, written by Gabriel Sherman (Independence Day: Resurgence), narrates how a young Donald Trump started his real estate business in New York during the 1970s and 1980s.

Following its screening at the renowned film festival, the production generated some controversy and has been noted for its intense portrayal of the millionaire’s early ambitions, as well as his morally ambiguous tactics.

Besides depicting how he handles his businesses, the drama explores the dynamic between Trump and Roy Cohn, his lawyer and mentor. As the scenes unfold, the strategies that laid the groundwork for his projects are brought to light.